Tuesday morning we went to the CDI to do educational programs for the kids. I wasn't going to go because I was supposed to be in the hospital for the week. However, Iris wanted me to help give out the toothbrushes so I could see the kids who were getting them. So i helped with the little kids, from 3-9 doing crowd control and helping pass out crayons and stay organized. Then, when they went out to play a game, someone asked me to come help with the first aid kit/clinic they had their, to help organize the medicine since I had pharmacy experience. So me and a couple other people spent some time with the one in charge of it and tried to figure out what things they need most. We had to leave as soon as Don Manuel arrived, which was hard since we wanted to do more to help but it was time. Still, the kids and adults enjoyed the presentations and hopefully learned alot.
I'm having trouble recalling the afternoon but it may have been a short bit of relaxation after teaching the children. (We had at least 70, judging from how many crayons we passed out from the box of 96). It was Canada Day, of course, so we were learning all sorts of Canadian facts from the Canadians. It was quite fun. And they say eh? all the time and I'm really trying to pick it up so I'm the only one in Florida who says "eh?" but I don't think it's working. We made pizza for dinner....and now I'm slowly recalling the process of putting my essays online and putting together stuff for the NHSC (Nat'l Health Service Corps) Scholarship that I'm trying to get. Please keep this in your prayers!! It would be a huge blessing to get it, if that's what the Lord would have. If not, I know that my finances will be provided somehow, but I just don't know how... and I don't have to. It's all in His hands.
So anyway, after some of my culinary endeavors coming to fruition, I was put in charge of the pizza. If I can make nothing else, I can make pizza. And the crust was pre-made so it was pretty easy. Some of the others weren't fond of the way it
Tuesday evening was really great too. We got together to have devotions and we ended up doing lots of praise & worship songs. I loved it and it was the first time our group really seemed like one big group, unified for the most part. It's amazing how something as simple as worshiping God together can have such a wonderful effect on people. It was definitely one of my favorite nights here so far!
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