Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 14


I have had so many fun and fully packed days that I can't really even remember what happened that day! I'll try to keep up better with this because I have some pretty good stories and adventures!

We got up and went to do another screening for kids/adults in this school room or something. I'm not even totally sure what it was. We didn't know how to get there first of all, and by the time we found it, it was nearly 11 o'clock...which we were supposed to be there roughly until noon. We were there until 2 or so and saw probably 30-40 people. It's really hard to try to offer assistance to people when you have nothing to give them... especially when some of the needs are so basic.

I think it was the following day, however, that we found out that we can refer patients to the hospital and if we give their names to the doctors, they will offer free care or for very little money to those who are in serious need of medical care. Unfortunately, it feels like that is the majority here.

Wednesday afternoon was really fun for me too! Since we got back late, we decided not to go to an orphanage or anything in the afternoon. So Ester, Tomás & Iris's 4 year old daughter decided to play cards with me outside, since she saw a group of the others doing the same. After a game of putting down cards that were of the same suit, she decided we should cook. So, we looked on the internet for recipes and we made brownies. She wanted to make a carrot cake too, because last time we made cakes we made a chocolate one and a carrot one. I didn't really want to make a carrot cake, so I convinced her to let us try something else. We ended up making "blondies"which are like vanilla brownies kind of. We had so much fun! Unfortunately, even with the double batch of brownies and the blondies, the brownies were gone by bedtime and the blondies gone by the next day's lunch. However, we had a great time "cooking" and every time she sees me now she asks "Vamos a cocinar?" (Are we going to cook?)

The cutest thing was the rest of the night she followed me around, wanted me to sit by her at dinner, and she even came to brush her teeth when I did. It was just too cute! I managed a picture or two of us with the brownies so I'll be posting those soon as well. Well that's pretty much it for Wednesday.

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